This project would have never been realized without the support of others. We gratefully got financial support by ESA after they choose us for the participation in the Professional Flight Campaign 2002. Right from the beginning we got financial support by our university. We thank Prof. Stephan, head of department of thermodynamics and Prof. Anderl, dean of the faculty of mechanical engineering at that time. Another financial sponsor was Hüppe, a manufacturer of showering equipment.
This project would have never been realized without the support of others. We gratefully got financial support by ESA after they choose us for the participation in the Professional Flight Campaign 2002. Right from the beginning we got financial support by our university. We thank Prof. Stephan, head of department of thermodynamics and Prof. Anderl, dean of the faculty of mechanical engineering at that time. Another financial sponsor was Hüppe, a manufacturer of showering equipment.

Additionally we got some material donations such as Bosch rack profiles, high voltage cables and lexan plates by various other firms.